Image enhancement software
In this context, image enhancement covers processes such as contrast adjustment, rendering in false
colour, smoothing noisy data, deconvolving blurred images, sky background removal, displaying isophote
contours, and so on. Essentially anything which may make features more evident and/or more easily measured.
The FITS image viewer ds9 has a
range of enhancement facilities: all of the above with the exception of deconvolution and background
The Gnu Image Manipulation Program, GIMP, is even more flexible
than ds9, though substantially harder to learn how to use effectively.
Maxim DL has a facility for
and Maximum Entropy deconvolution.
simg is an astronomical image processing package
for Linux. Some of the features are deconvolution (various algorithms), removing interferences,
automatic shifting of images, computation of PSF and a visualization tool.
Astrometrica, primarily used for astrometry of asteroids, dwarf
planets, TNOs and other such small
bodies in the solar system.
I am developing a small suite of software for functions such as
CLEAN deconvolution,
sky background removal, etc. None of this code is yet ready for release.